Design Thoughts #1 — Learning Your Style
We all have a style
As designers, we all focus on either a single area or a series of closely related areas. For me, the areas are brand identity and website development. I aim to produce high-quality branding and websites for individuals and companies to build them a unique and recognisable brand identity.
However, your area might not be graphic design; it might be drawing, photography or even music production. But, no matter what, we all focus on a single area, and that is your style. And, learning your style is vital to your success as a designer or creative individual in this world.
Learning your style
If we are to make our passion, our career then we need to be able to offer a competitive service that is at minimum equal to our competitors but ideally better. To win clients and ultimately money in this world, we need to know our style inside out, if someone comes to us with an idea, we need to know how to take it from a seed in their mind to something tangible in front of them. Therefore, by learning our style, we ensure we know how to make an idea a reality before the time comes when we have no choice but to learn how.
Admittedly there is a problem; if you’re like me and are relatively new to the design industry, you have to learn all of the tools from the beginning which can be a lot. In this case, you can’t be expected to know how to do everything, but this is where your ethos comes in. We should aim to learn everything but when we don’t know something we should accept it and then learn it. Learning your style starts with admitting we don’t know everything and we are weaker in some areas than others, but this is how we learn where to focus our learning.
What’s your style?
Learning your style is vital to your success as a creative individual, but another way to help build your success is sharing and collaborating with others within your style. So, post what your style is below in the comments so others who are learning the same style can collaborate with you or even ask you for help if you’re more experienced than them. This way we will all be learning and grow as creative individuals together.
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