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Success Is Not a Single Action, It’s a Lifestyle.

Coner Murphy
4 min readJul 2, 2018


Hey Everyone.

Welcome back to the blog.

Today, I want to talk about biking. A great activity that we have all done at least once, either as a leisurely activity with a partner or loved one. Or, as a full-blown workout. Either way, biking is a fantastic activity that everyone can take part in.

But, more specifically, I want to talk about how I recently started biking my 8-mile commute to work.

It’s no world record, but it’s far enough for me to build up a sweat and more importantly, far enough for me to challenge myself.

Part of my commute is a 1.5-mile straight road. And, generally on my commute, I tend to drift away, think about life, listen to music, and pay literally no attention to the world around me.

But, yesterday. Yesterday was different. I found myself being competitive. There’s usually a few cyclists of different abilities on the road but I found myself competing with every single one. I didn’t care who they were or where they were going. If they were on that road, I wanted to beat them.


Now, a bit of a change of pace. Forget about biking and think, what does success mean to you? How do you define success? And, how do you think success is achieved?

When people think of achieving success, they think of the stereotype. They think to be successful, you either need a unique product that takes the world by storm or you have to be lucky.

Now, while both of those notions have the occasional story to support them. On the whole, they are wildly inaccurate and fail to represent a significant portion of the ‘successful’ community.

This is why I prefer believing in a different way of achieving sucess.

Thinking of success as a single action hinders your ability to succeed.

By living under the belief that success is a single action that occurs in an individual moment, you are only wasting your time. I promise you this moment will never happen.

If you only think that your day will come. Then that day will never arrive. But, if you’re prepared to go out and make success a reality, then your day will come sooner than you think.

But, how can you make success a reality?

It’s all about your lifestyle.

Success is a lifestyle, not a single action.

Achieving success is directly related to your thirst for it. You need to wake up every day wanting success, working for it, and knowing you’re going to have it. Once you do this, you’ll start noticing changes, you’ll begin to see the effects of success.

Success is a lifestyle; a lifestyle of right choices, hard work and, determination.

Making the connection

Thinking back to the start of this article, I talked about me biking to work and how I get competitive with the people on my commute. They were not conscious of it, but in my mind, they were my competition. They were trying to take my success, and I’ll be damned if I was going to let that happen.

Then we discussed success, how to achieve it, and how if you want to be successful; you need to change your lifestyle. You need to crave success in all aspects of your life, not just one or two; but, every single one.

Can you see how these events are linked?

I’ve always been competitive but this isn’t just competitive nature, this is me wanting to succeed. To beat the competition and win the race, to have that success.

That’s the link.

My desire for success comes across in everything I do, not just in my life goals but in everything, no matter how insignificant they are to my day or my life.

Wanting a successful life, is to want success in every aspect of your life.

So, tell me, where do you find yourself being unknowingly competitive?


If you’re only taking one thing away from this article, let it be this.

Success isn’t the product of a single action, it’s the product of choosing the right lifestyle every day.

Chase your dreams and make the right choices today, tomorrow, and every day after that and success will be yours.

Thank you for reading.

See you next time.


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Coner Murphy

Fullstack Developer | Technical Writer | Freelancer 👩‍💻 Tweets about Web Dev, Tech, Entrepreneurship 📈 Building In Public ➡